reede, 31. jaanuar 2014

Hello February!

*Raba jalust millega tahad, ainult ära väida, et elu on minek piki pimedaid, kõledaid koridore, kuhugile jõudmata. Mul ei ole jõudu seda uskuda...

*Ja sünnitakse, kuigi tuleb surra, ja armutakse pettumuste trotsiks. Mõnd ilu, hämmastavalt peent ja kurba hing leiab, ilma et ta üldse otsiks.

*Ja ma eksin ja eksin ja eksin elu peateelt aguli varju - olen süüdi, et leidmatut otsin ja sealjuures appi ei karju.

*Elada head elu ja mitte teha kurja on põhiline. Kuid põnevust, kõdistusi, ärevust ja kihvakat, elu tasakaalust väljaviimise võbinaid peab ka olema.

*See on minu elu - ja ma teen selle nii isikupäraseks, nii kordumatuks, nii ilusaks ja nii patuseks, kui tahan, suudan ja julgen!

*Valu kõrval jääb ka alati mälestuse ilu.

*Ei saa osta või ehitada unistusi, mälestusi, hääli, lõhnu ja värve, pole võimalik kinni maksta või vahetada meeleolusid, ootust ja igatsust.

*Aeg ajalt peaksime tugevad olemise kõrval julgema ka nõrgad olla. Tuleb iseendale tunnistada oma kaotusi, valestivalimisi, laiskust ning oskamatust eristada head halvast. Aega pole tarvis üksnes eluks, vaid ka elu üle mõtlemiseks, sest muidu ei oskaks me olla tänulikud. Selle eest, mida inimesed on meile andnud, nende hetkede eest, mida oleme märganud, ilu ja valu eest, mida oleme enesesse nii silma kui südamega püüdnud.

*Muutu või sure. Seda nõuab elu meilt kõigilt.

*Tagantjärele oleme kõik targad, aga uskuge mind, elus ei lähe kunagi nii, nagu nois naiivsetes muinasjuttudes, kus inimesel pole muud muret kui hoolega jälgida endeid.

*Ja nii kui nad meie ellu kuuluvad, tekib neil loomulikult soov seda muuta. Nad saavad vihaseks, kui mõni nende meele järgi pole. Kõik ümberringi näivad imehästi teadvat, kuidas me oma elu elama peame.
Aga kuidas enda elu elada, seda nad ei tea.

* Armastus - millistes pöörasustest sa lased meil naudingut leida !

*Elu kareval on pöörane - me naerame ja nutame, loodame ja eksime, vihkame ja armastame - selles kirevas ringmängus.

neljapäev, 9. jaanuar 2014

Tsitaate armastusest !

«See ei saa olema lihtne. See saab olema raske. Peame iga päev vaeva nägema, aga ma tahan seda teha, sest ma tahan sind. Ma tahan sind tervenisti, igaveseks ajaks, sina ja mina, iga päev...»

«Ära lepi suhtega, mis ei lase sul olla sina ise.»

«Ma olen isekas, kannatamatu ja veidi ebakindel. Ma teen vigu, olen kontrolli alt väljas ja mõnikord on raske minuga hakkama saada. Kuid kui sa ei talu mind mu kõige hullematel päevadel, siis ei vääri sa mind kohe kindlasti mu parimatel päevadel.»

«Mu süda on ja jääb igavesti sinu omaks.»

«Oli miljon pisiasja, mis kokku liites tähendasid, et me olime üksteisele määratud... ja ma teadsin seda.»

«Armastuse lõbu kestab vaid hetke. Armastuse valu kestab aga terve eluaja.»

«Armastus tähendab seda, et sa ei pea kunagi vabandama.»

«Parim armastus on see, mis äratab hinge, paneb meid enama järgi sirutama, sütitab meie südame ja toob rahu meie meeltesse. Seda tahan ma sinule igavesti pakkuda.»

«Süda tahab seda, mida tahab. Neis asjades puudub loogika. Sa kohtad kedagi ja armud ning ongi kõik.»

«Südamed pole senini praktilised, kuni neid ei valmistata purunematust materjalist.»

«Ära unusta, et ma olen kõigest tüdruk, kes seisab poisi ees ja palub, et viimane teda armastaks.»

«Mehed on luksuskaup, mitte tarbeesemed.»

«Elu on keeruline. Armastus on veel keerulisem.»

«Armastus on lubadus, armastus on suveniir. Kui see on sulle antud, ei saa seda kunagi unustada, ära lase sel kunagi kaduda.»

«Lihtne «ma armastan sind» on suurema väärtusega kui raha.»

«Usun, et iga asi juhtub mingil põhjusel. Inimesed muutuvad selleks, et sa õpiksid neil minna laskma; asjad lähevad halvasti, et sa hindaksid neid, kui kõik on hästi; sa usud valesid, et õpiksid usaldama vaid iseennast ja mõnikord vajuvad head asjad kokku, et veelgi paremad asjad saaksid juhtuda.»

«Kuni pead meeles, et enamik mehi on kui lapsed, on sinu valduses kõik teadmised.»

«Mida suurem on su oskus armastada, seda suurem on su võime tunda valu.»

«Armastus on see, kui sa tahad teist inimest õnnelikuna näha, hoolimata sellest, kas sina oled selle õnne osa või mitte.»

«Abiellutakse nendega, ilma kelleta ei suudeta elada.»

«Armastus on kirgedest tugevaim, sest see ründab üheaegselt pead, südant ja meeli.»

«Ma usun, et armastus on kahepoolne asi, seda ei saa kunagi tõeliselt tunda vaid üks inimene.»

esmaspäev, 25. november 2013

I don´t know where i´m going but, i´m on my way.

Reaalsusega võrreldes on kogu meie teadus algeline ja lapsik – aga sellegipoolest on see kõige väärtuslikum asi, mis meil on.

Nii nagu lapsed värisevad ja kardavad midagi pilkases pimeduses, nii kardame meie mõnikord valges asju, mis on sama vähe kohutavad kui need asjad, mille ees lapsed pimedas hirmust värisevad.

Me teame, kui julm võib tõde olla, ja mõtleme, kas pettekujutlus poleks lohutavam.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You 'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

I give thanks to everyone who has been part of my life´s Journey!

I don´t know where i´m going but, i´m on my way.

Sometimes what you want isn´t always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than waht you wanted.

Never judge a person by what others say .. because that person may be true to you but not to others .. It´s like the same SUN which melts the ice, hardens the clay too ..

Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule, but love people who never at their schedule when you need them.

To my friend: Thanks for being there for me. I´m gratesul for you!

A lot of men & women would rather stay singel because they´re tired of giving their everything and ending up with nothing.

The person who really LOVES you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their life!

I don´t care if you´re going to tell everyone about what i have dont to you.
But please, just don´t forget to tell them about what you did to me.

The only person you should try to be better than .. is the person you were yesterday.

I am not and never will be perfect. I am not always as honest, respectgul, responsible, fair or as kind as i should be. All i can do is what i should do: strive every day, with every decision to be the person i can be. I don´t expect to be perfect but i know i can be better.

You know, i am so romantic, sometimes i think i should just marry myself.

In life you´ll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.

Never ignore a person whou loves you, cares for you, and misses yoy, because one day you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars.

Sometimes you have to take a step back and realize what´s important in your life, what you can live with, but more imporantly what you can´t live without.

neljapäev, 14. november 2013

Day after day.

´´A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.”

I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil.
I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”

We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”

The nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least I can dream.”

You never know what life is like, until you have lived it.

Friendship is the bestiest thing that comes to life . Friends will always be there for you don't worry about the
fakes worry about the people who had your back from the start and never treated you wrong always remember they are your real friends don't never take them as granted because one day your going to lose a good friend by the way your action's are when you see a good friend stick to that person .”

“This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth.
 But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them.”

Just because you fall once, doesn't mean you're fall at everything.
 Keep trying, hold on, and always trust yourself, because if you don't then who will??”

I wanted to ask a thousand questions, but there was no one to ask.
Besides I knew that people only told lies to children-lies about everything from soup to Santa Claus.”

Nothing lasts forever, so live it up; drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit.
 Take chances and never have regrets because, at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.”

Alles siis, kui on lõplikult mindud, ärkab hinges sada tunnet: süütundest kahetsuse,
 valu ja hiljaksjäänud arusaamiseni, et koos iga inimesega kaob meie maailmast jälle suur tükk vaimu,
sära ja sarmi, mille paistel end soojendada ei ole meil enam kunagi võimalik."

"Õnn ei sõltu ruumide suurusest ega seinte siledusest — õnn mahub pisikessegi pessa.
Ainult et see pesa peaks igaühel olemas olema."

"Ei saa ju osta või ehitada unistusi, mälestusi, hääli, lõhnu ja värve,
pole võimalik kinni maksta või vahetada meeleolusid, ootust ja igatsust."

"Nagu tahaks nutta, aga ei tule meelde, kuis see käib.
 Karjuda tahaks ka, aga see tundub üksi olles kuidagi eriti tobe.
Ja siis tuleb see sõna, mis kogu aeg kusagil kukla kandis on varitsenud:
üksi! Sa oled üksi! Täna, homme, igavesti, alati..."

"Nii pikk on elu küll, et oma vigu, kui vaja, ka mitu korda parandada.
Aga selleks, et neid vigu üldse mitte teha...
noh, nii palju pole mõtet oma elu pealt küll kokku hoida."

Ma tänan sind, et said mu päris suveks
ja hingepidi kõndisid mu soojas merevees
Ma sügisestki ikka-jälle tuleks
korjama neid teri, mu armuks sinu sees.

Soovides, ja unistades
Liigume koos päikse poole
Lootus kannab meid elus edasi
Ja kui ka päevad on hallid
Ja taevas näib armutu
Ei karda, sest tean,
Et oled olemas

Minu karu, minu pall, minu sokid ja sall
Minu vennad ja õed, minu tavad ja tõed
Minu taat ja mu memm, sinu rula ja bemm
Minu elatud lood ja peidetud pool
Minu kodune leib, minu sõbrad ja vein
Minu maa, minu muld, minu leidmata kuld
Minu valu, mu salv, minu tuvi ja tall
Minu sammud ja teed, silmist valatud veed
Minu unistust suur, kõik mis tuleb on uus
Minu lootus, mu rajad, minu saatus, mu valitud teed
Minu maa, minu keel, minu süda mu sees
Minu kodu, mu töö, ahjus hõõguvad söed!
Hoidkem hellalt must kinni, meile kuulub see päev.

Tunnen et nii on hea ,
tunnen et kõik on nii kuis peab.
Olen õnnelikest õnnelikum ma.
Mis ootab ees ei tea
polegi tähtis arvan ma
tuleb elada ja hetke nautida.

Iga minut iga tund ,
näeme kõikjal õnnes und
igaüksmeist valib oma saatuse.

Ära seisa mu haual ja nuta mind taga,
 mind pole seal, ma vaikselt ei maga.
 Ma lendan koos tuultega taeva all,
 ma olen talvehommiku hall,
 Viljapõllul paistan päiksena suvel,
 sügisel su juurde vihmana tulen.
 Kui hommikul ärkad ja taevas näed linde,
 neid vaadates olla võid päris kindel,
 et laulan seal koos nendega,
 kuid öösel muutun täheks ma.
 Ära seisa mu haual ja ole kurb,
 mind pole seal
 see polnud mu surm.

esmaspäev, 23. september 2013


Headusel on imevägi, avab südame.
Naeratusel võluvägi, pühib kurbuse.
Heldusel ei lõpe vara, taevas õnnistab.
Aususel on kullast süda, targu talitab.
Tarkusel on elus kaalu, tasub omada.
Armastus on suurim kõigist,.. usub, loodab, andestab:)! (a).

When you feel that nobody loves you,
Nobody cares for you,
Everyone is ignoring you,
and people are jealous of you
you should really ask yourself …

Am i Too sexy!?

Girls have unique magic tricks, they get wet without water, bleed without injury and make boneless things hard.

Naeran , et elu oleks lõbusam ilma sinuta.

Langeb üks täht.Ma pigistan silmad kinni ja soovin! Soovin,et kõik oleks nii nagu oli varem!

Sa igatsed mind ? milles probleem ? tule ukse taha . ;)

Olen nagu meri- vaikne, tormine ja ilus. Tunnen end nagu tuul- tühi ja täis rääkimata asju. Säran nagu päike – pärast kõike paha, oskan ikka olla õnnelik.

Sa kunagi ütlesid, et KÕIK muutub, kuid ma arvasin alati, et meie oleme erandid.

it’s nice to know, that you care !

“Armastus.. sünnib teineteisele otsa vaatamise rõõmust, toitub teineteise nägemise vajadusest ning jõuab lõpuks sinnamaale, et teineteisest lahkumine on võimatu!”

“…et meie suudlus igavesti elaks.”

Kõiges mis oli ma süüdistan end, kuid andeks ma endalt ei saa..

I had to find you. Tell you I need you.

Vaikin, sest tean see on parim mida teha saan.

I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like you.

Olid mu päike, olid mu taevas ja olid mu põhjatu õnnekaev, mida armastasin ülekõige. Sa olid samuti mu öö ja päev korraga, mitte kunagi ei suutnud sa mind nutma panna. Panid mu naerma, ka isegi kõige tobedamate naljadega, sa olid mulle parim ja jääd ka selleks, isegi kui sa ei kuulu minule.

*Kuid, kuna ma ei suuda ilma sinuta. Siis on parem, kui ma lähen, jätan su siia. Peaasi, et oled õnnelik. Mina ütlesin sulle, et armastan sind igavesti, siis see jääbki nüüd nii.

Sain sulle koguaeg loota, sa kuulasid mind kui vaja, sa olid kõik, mida oli vaja. Sa olid täiuslikkus ise, ma uskusin kõike, mida laususid. Su välimus oli lummavalt kaunis ja su naeratus, tõi päikse välja. Me muutsime oma unelmad tõeks, kuid ainult koos, me suutsime seda. Meil oli veel unistusi kuid las need jäävad sinna, kus nad olema peavad .. ” minevikus. ”

Sa olid mu elus keegi ja oled siiani seal, sa ei lahku sellelt kohalt kunagi. Kuid ma tean, et sa pead jääma minevikku. Ma peaksin, keerama elus puhta lehe ja minema edasi ning unustama SINU. Aga tõesti, sorri ma ei suuda seda.

Miks .. miks kõik nii pidi minema ? Kas me siis tõesti, ei võinud olla õnnelikud nagu me soovisime ? Kas sa isegi ei armastanud mind nii, nagu sa seda väitsid korduvalt.

Sul on keegi teine, kes on parem kui mina. Olgugi, et ma ei võitnud sinu südant. Kuid ma tean, et mitte kunagi ei lakka ma sind armastamast. Ometi, ma tahaks, et oleksime siiani õnnelikult koos. Jalutaksime käsikäes rannas ja naudiksime päikseloojanguid. Kuid ma tean, et need on vaid unistused mis kunagi ei täitu.

Sellest ajast on möödunud mitmeid kuid kuid siiski, see valu pole kuhugile kadunud. See armastus mis ma sinu vastu tunnen, on siiani alles. Need ajad mida aeg-ajalt meenutan, teevad alati haiget. Kuid ma tean, et sa ei hooli sellest nii kui nii.

Naera südamest, ära hooli sellest, et nukrus käib südames ringi! Naera see mure vähemaks kuni ta hoopis kaob!

Palun soovita ravimit, et ma ei väriseks rõõmust nagu hull, kui saan ja loen sinu kirju… Oled andnud mulle kingituse, millest ma selles elus isegi unistada ei söandanud.

Armastus Sinu vastu lõppeb siis kui Sulen oma silmad ja ei ava neid enam kunagi!

Armastan seda et sa tulid , kuid kui sa läksid üritasin ma unustada kuid süda armastas Sind aina rohkem !

Me vihkame inimesi, keda kunagi armastasime, kes meid reetsid ning kelle eest nüüd varjata üritame, et me siiani neid armastame .

Igatsen sind hoolimata sellest, et sa murdsid igaveseks mu südame.

Ja sa lihtsalt unustasid mu? Ma pole sulle kunagi midagi tähendanud, ei sõbrana ega kellegi muuna. Kuna inimesi lihtsalt ei ole võimalik ei hetkega ega päevadega unustada. Eriti neid keda pead tähtsateks/olulisteks.

Igapäev ma näen,et miski muutub, igapäev ma näen,et ma ei suutnud, igapäeav ma usun, et olen keegi, kuid see on vale ja see ongi ebameeldiv !

Vahest on selline tunne, et ei tea isegi, mida tahaks. Tegelikult nagu ei olegi mingit tunnet. Ainult väsimus ja tühjus. Ma ei saa aru enam ei endast, ega teistest. Ma ei saa aru, miks sul oli vaja üldse tulla, kui sa kavatsed varsti lahkuda. Või tulid sa ainult mõne teise asja pärast, mida ma isegi ei oska seletada. Jäävadki ainult küsimused, ilma vastusteta. See piinab. Aga ma siiski tänan, sest ilusat oli palju ..

Armastus või vihkamine? Mis seal vahet on. Mõlemat tehakse kirglikult. Mõlema puhul ei mõelda enesele vaid ainult sellele teisele ja lõpuks sa ei teagi, kas vihkad seda, keda peaksid armastama või armastad seda, keda peaksid vihkama ja lahendusi ei ole.

Mõne aja pärast, kui oleme selgeks saanud mis on käest kinni hoidmise ja armumise vahe. Hakkame mõistma, et suudlused alati ei tähenda midagi, lubadused murduvad sama kiiresti, kui need on antud ja hüvastijätud tunduvad lõpututena.

Isegi muinasjutud lõppevad halvasti, sest kui Prints ja Printsess saavad õnnelikuks, on nõid ikkagi õnnetu. :)

Ma ei kahetse sinuga olles midagi, aga tänada ma sind ka ei saa millegi eest !

Sa võisid mind küll naerma ajada , kuid nutma ajamine tuli sul paremini välja.?

Kord kohtusid armastus ja sõprus. Armastus küsis sõpruselt: ” Kui mina olen maailmas olemas, siis miks üldse sind vaja on?”
Sõprus vastas: “Et jätta naeratus sinna, kuhu sina jätad pisarad”

don’t wanna be your little picture perfect pretty girl .

And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done

Every night I miss you I can just look up and know the stars are holding you tonight

How could someone just take all that I’d ever loved but never love someone like I love you ?
I love the girls who hate to love because they’re just like me.
It’s so hard to pretend like I know everything, i dont know anything, i wanted you to see – that I got nothin
Baby This is your moment Now this is Your time To find out who you really are..
So stay with me . You look in my eyes and I’m screaming inside that I’m sorry .
Do you ever think about the future .. what do you see ?
I´ll be your doctor, I´ll be your cure, I´ll be your medicine and more.

Now he`s gone, i don`t know why . And til´this day sometimes i cry . He didn`t even say
goodbye, he didn`t take the time…to lie .
Just close your eyes and kiss me you fool ..
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hillhop houses driving fifteen cars.
And I wanna scream, wanna scream your name.
I don’t need to be the king of the world, as long as I’m the hero of this little girl.

God is a Dj, Life is a DanceFloor, Love is the Rythm and YOU are the Music

I’m just more.
Lies, lies, lies.
I’m not the type to get upset and cry
What if I fell on the floor? Couldn’t take this any more. What would you do?
What makes her so much better than me?
If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.
I looked around, for faces I’d know, I fell in love with the people in the front row,
Boys are like trees, they take 50 years to grow up.

Girl: Since when have you been so interested in school?
Boy: Since you said you wanted someone smart

But if you look at me closely
You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find her way !.

Just remember two things .. I´m here .. and I care (L)

It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life and suddenly you can’t remember how you lived life without them !.

Well somebody told me You had a girlfriend
Who looked like a boyfriend that I had in february of last year.
It’s not confidential – I’ve got potential
A rushin’, a rushin’ around
Pace yourself from me
I said maybe baby please
But I just don’t know now
When all I wanna do is try
Anyone can make you smile, many people make you cry.But it takes someone really special too make you smile with tears in you eyes!

I gave him 11 roses,10 real and 1 fake and i said :i will love you until the last rose dies.
I’m nice, i’m hot, i’m everything – you are NOT!
* Smile because it´s the second best thing what you can do with youre lips .
* Sorry is a word you like to say, but sorry won’t erase the things you did
*Don’t cry it’s over, smile because it happened
*Tears are words from heart that can’t be spoken .

*Hearts are often broken when words are unspoken.

When I saw you I liked you, when I liked you I loved you, when I loved you I lost you.

Having a guy dump you and say “We can still be friends” Is like having your mom say “Your dog died but you can still keep it”

A friend is someone, who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you, when you have forgotten the words.

In my heart , there will be always place for you for all my life (L)

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say: I Love You!

it’s funny how someone can break tour heart and you still love them with all the little pieces.

Love is like war: easy to start, hard to end, inpossible to forget.

Love is like a bar of soap; once you think you got it, it slips away.
If you were to ask how many times u run trough my mind, Id only say once because u never even left.

Sometime the person you love just doesnt understand how much you love them.

You broke my heart, you made my cry. yet you say you love me.

”I love you” is eight letters. So it is bullshit.

My world was black and white until the day you walked trough my door and into my heart.

You can fall from the sky, you can fall from the tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me.

Maybe I’m not over him… But then again, maybe I don’t want to be.

A tear falls forever inside a broken heart.

I’m so sick of being lonely. I want to know how it’s to be loved.

Everytime I think of you, I’m sad. Everytime I hear your name, I’m mad. But everytime I think of how you made me feel, I’m glad.

When you love someone, you pick up the little things and magically turn them into something special.

Someone say it is sin to love, I never did ask why, but, if I sin loving you, I’ll sin until I die.
When you get caught looking him, remember he was looking back.

With love you should go and take risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.

I thought, I would love you forever, but that’s a long time to be wrong…

Should I smile because you are my friend or cry because that’s all we’ll ever be.

I know you don’t believe you mean this much to me, but I promise you: That you do.

Sometimes the person you love just doesn’t understand how much you love them.

Love isn’t funny thing when it is burning inside when all you think of is how you get through the night.

Don’t listen to your mind, listen to your heart because it can change your whole life.

Real love stories never have happy endings, because the real love stories never end.

You’re my everything that i ever could dream of.

I know someday you’ll have a beautiful life, I know you’ll be a star in somebody else’s sky…but why, why can’t it be mine?

You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without

As you left and said your good-byes, you forgot to tell my heart how to live without you.

Every girl deserves to feel good about herself, and see how beautiful she really is..

A best friend is the one who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still know some things wrong..

I know I’m not easy to love, but could you try anyway ?

If you can’t get someone out of your head, then maybe they are supposed to be there.

We don’t know the value of our moments until they have become a memory.

Maybe I don’t have the blonde hair or maybe I don’t have eyes like the sky, but at least I’m not pretending to be somebody else

You cant make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth

Don’t just love him, but show him.

What’s meant to be will always find a way.

You’ll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end.

The greatest ironies of life: having the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out that you love someone after that person walks out of your sight ….

Your first love is not always your truest love.

To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be loved by someone is everything.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you’re smiling and everyone around you is crying.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.

Sometimes it’s the things that you can’t do, that bring out the brilliance of what you can!

If love is not worth waiting for, it’s not worth having.

To see unconditional love look to the eyes of a child.

You can only judge love if you have been in it yourself.

One must learn to love oneself before one can learn to love others.

Dance like no one’s watching, sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ll never get hurt, and live like it’s heaven on Earth!

Is love supposed to last throughout all time, or is it like trains changing at random stops. If I loved her, how could I leave her? If I felt that way then, how come I don’t feel anything now?

Sometimes you just have to run away to see, who is coming with you.

Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.
Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.
A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling.

Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small it takes time – we haven’t time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.

All people want is someone to listen.

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.

Its the friends you can call up at four a.m. that matter.

When someone allows you to bear his burdens, you have found deep friendship.

The friendship that can cease has never been real.

I’ve learned that all a person has in life is family and friends. If you lose those, you have nothing, so friends are to be treasured more than anything else in the world.

Nothings better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you.

I loved him like no other man; I did not love his laugh. I did not love his smile. I did not need his touch. But, the one thing I needed from him was for him to always be there.

A true friend walks in when the whole world walks out.

A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting beside you saying, ‘Damn that was fun.

Friendship is not how long you’ve been together. It isn’t how much you’ve given or recieved; nor how many times you’ve helped each other, but it’s how you value one another.

The best friend you can have is one you can sit on the porch with and not say a word, then get up and feel like that was the best conversation you’ve ever had.

In the cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips.

If I could give you one thing I would wish for you, the ability to see yourself as others see you, then you would realize what a truly special person you are!!

When the world gets dark, friends are the batteries in your flashlight.

There will be many people who will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints behind.

A friend is someone who can see the truth and the pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

To a friend’s house the road is never long.

Friends are the family you choose.

A good friend is like a computer: he Enters your life, Saves you in his heart, Formats your problems, and never Deletes you from his Memory.

Friendship is the safest ship.

You will always be my best friend, you know too much.

A friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.

If you’re upset, call me. I won’t guarentee I’ll make you laugh but I can cry with you. If you ever feel like you need to run away, call me. I won’t guarentee I’ll persuade you to stay but I can run with you. But, if one day you call and there’s no answer….I might need you.

When you wake up in the morning, kiss your loved one on the forehead and wish them a good day.

I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you … but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.

You have found true love the day you realize that you want to wake up beside your boyfriend/girlfriend, every morning, even though you have your differences.

I could say that you complete me…but that would be a lie, because every morning when I wake I long for you more than the day before.

You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours.

You are the first thing to enter my mind in the morning and the last thing to leave my heart at night.

Morning is a wonderful blessing, either sunny or stormy. It stands for hope … giving us another start of what we call Life.

A morning greeting does not only mean ‘Good Morning,’ it has a silent, loving message saying, ‘I think of you when I wake up.

When I wake up in the morning, I think of you. When I go to sleep at night, I think of you. And for all those hours in-between, I think of us.

Sometimes it’s better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.
A hug overcomes all boundaries. It speaks words within the mind that cannot be spoken.

A silent hug means a thousands words to the unhappy heart.

Hugs are to pull two people closer together, but why is it that you can never see the other person’s expression when it happens?

Hugging closes the door to hate. Kissing opens the door to love.

Quick…, put your left hand on your right shoulder, put your right hand on your left shoulder, now squeeze! That was a quick hug from me!

The best gift you can give is a hug; one size fits all and no one ever minds if you return it.

I am jealous of the people you hugged today because for a moment they held my world.

Sometimes I miss you so much, I just want to rip you out of my dreams and hug you!

There is nothing that feels as good as you wrapped inside my arms.

A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love. A hug is just a hug till you find the one you’re always thinkin’ of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. Love was just a word till I heard it from you.

If I reach for your hand, will you hold it? If I hold out my arms, will you hug me? If I go for you lips, will you kiss me? If I capture your heart, will you love me?

If you give me your kiss for breakfast, your hug for lunch and your love for dinner, I promise you will never catch me eating elsewhere, because I have no reason to do so.

Simple music can make you sing, a simple hug can make you feel better, simple things can make you happy; I hope my simple hello will make you smile.

Hug them, kiss them and tell them that you love them. Don’t miss the chances that life is giving you to spend with people you love. There are no rewinds.

I have a present for you, but I need to borrow your arms for wrapping paper.

Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream.

All that I am, all that I see, all that I dream and do are brighter, more beautiful and meaningful, because of my feelings for you.

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you only have one life to live and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

Just follow your dream and make sure you can reach your goal, don’t stop dreaming cause someday it will come.

Everyone is someone’s dream.

The greatest courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing HEART.

Somewhere there’s someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile. So, when you are lonely remember it’s true: somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

Let me know your faults and I will remind you of your strengths and gifts. Look at the world through skeptical eyes and you miss the beauty of the common bliss. See things as they are, not as they could be. Look around, see how lucky you are, fortune is on your side, not fighting against you.

Without love there are no dreams.

Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It’s not that I like to sleep, it’s that I don’t like to get up! There’s a difference.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. Explore, dream, discover.

All my dreams came true the day that I met you.

Dreams can come true; look at me, Babe, I’m with you.

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

It’s not enough to have a dream, unless you’re willing to pursue it. It’s not enough to know what’s right, unless you’re strong enough to do it. It’s not enough to learn the truth, unless you also learn to live it. It’s not enough to reach for love, unless you care enough to give it. Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will always find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them, they will make them.

Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss, when we pray? Because, the most beautiful things in the world can not be seen with your eyes, it must be felt with your heart.

I’ll be your dream, I’ll be your wish, I’ll be your fantasy. I’ll be your hope, I’ll be your love – be everything that you need. I love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do…. I will be strong, I will be faithful ’cause I’m counting on a new beginning, a reason for living, a deeper meaning.

Some men see things as they are and say Why? I dream of things that never were and say Why not?

Life is for living; I live mine for you. Love is for giving; I give mine to you. Hearts are for beating; mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning; mine are full of you.

Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.

Sometimes I think about the first time I realized that I loved you … it was as if my eyes took a picture at that moment and stored it in my heart. Sometimes I think about how much my life has changed because of you. I think about you and your happiness, about us and our life together, and I realize that you are as much a part of me now as the air I breathe and the dreams I have. But, from time to time, I still like to remember the first time I looked into your eyes and saw my future there.

Sometimes I feel so afraid that everything I´m dreaming of, might never come true. But lately, my fears have been abated, because I know you´re dreaming with me. Sweet dreams!

Dreams coming true…yup that’s what it feels like to be with you!

Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring. So, dream, hope and love ….

You’re just like a cute little puppy dog that followed me home.
Unfortunately I’m more of a cat person.

My parents said I could be anyone I wanted, so I became an asshole.

I wasn’t born a bitch, guys made me this way.

Yealousy is what makes a bitch talk

I like poetry, long walks on a beach and pokind dead things with a stick.

Falling feels like flying until you hit the ground.

Friends are like condoms – they’re there for you when things get hard.

Girls fake orgasms, guys fake relationships

I’m on Prozac, Rogaine and Viagra – I’m happy, hairy and horny.

Guys are like buses – another one will be along in 5 minutes.

“I love you” is eight letters, so is “Bullshit”.

No Matter What I Do , I Always Forget To Forget You

You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without

It is nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice…

Angels exist , only sometimes they don’t have wings and then we call them friends .

Friends are angels , who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble rememberinf how to fly .

All my life I wanted to be someone . I can see now that I should have been more specific .

The best and the most beautiful things can not be seen of even touched . They must be felt by heart .

Life isn’t about waiting storm to pass , it’s about learning to dance in the rain .

I don’t have butterflies in my stomach , I have dragons there .

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect . I means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections .

We don’t know the value of our moments until they have become a memory .

I want to be remembered as the one who always smiles , even when her heart is broken . And the one who would always bright up your day even when she couldn’t bright her own .

Never give up on sometihng you can’t go a day without thinking about

“You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.”

Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak;sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go !

Don’t make her wait for you just because you know she will!

Don’t fuck with me , I fuck bad!

Yes , I am a fucking disney princess , thanks for asking !!

Harsh words hurt feelings. But silence breaks hearts.

I guess we all make mistakes sometimes. But you were my biggest.

Welcome to broken hearted airlines. Thank you for crashing and burning with us tonight.

At night i pray that soon your face will fade away.

We are a love story… gone wrong.

Tired of trying, Sick of crying, Yeah I’m smiling, but inside I’m dying.

Missing you isn’t the hardest part. Knowing that I once had you is..

She might look perfectly assembled on the outside. But on the inside, she is more broken up than ever before

He took my smile with him when he left.

Somebody falls in love, somebody breaks a heart. We never fell in love, we only fell apart

Stupid mistakes cause heartbreaks.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, the people who matter don’t care; the people that care don’t matter

She closed her eyes, and felt good, cause everything was just so fine.

Girls Are Like Fireworks, Their Kisses Light Up The Night, Their Hugs Make Everything Bright!

Didn’t ask to be a princess, but hey if the crown fits!

You know I love you, You know I care, Whenever you need me I will be there!

Smokin can really kill a person, why don’t you try it?!

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

Any moment, everything can change . . .

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.

The strangest thing happened last night, I woke up with tears in my eyes and knew I must have been dreaming of you.

Looking 4 Mr. Right.

Forget chocolate, diamonds are my best friends!

Don’t play stupid with me, I’m better at it.

Another day, another drama.

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question and yes is the answer.

I’m not smiling at you, I’m trying not to laugh!

So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do.

Trying to be so perfect, cause I know youre worth it.
I can’t help it – there’s nothing I want more, so don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ for

Girls Are So Complex, They Confuse Themselves!
Girls Cheat But We Never Get Caught!

I’d like a diamond, I’d like some gold, I’d like a pearl, Because I’m daddy’s little girl :)
ur looks, ur smile, ur kiss, ur style everythin bout u boy drives me wild

Ur only bad if u get caught… so that makes me a good girl.. right?!
Im sorry, do I look like I was listening?

Know everyone you love but dont love everyone you know

I won’t mess with your head or play with your heart, Because I’m a real girl and i finish what i start.

Bite me , see if i care

You want, but i’m something what you will never be….

I’m sorry that he called me. And that I answered the phone.
You’re just jealous because the voices are talking to me.
Would you please die, you’re ruing the atmosphere.
my Mr. Prince Charming? Sorry, you could never be ,!
And My Wasted Heart Will always Love You!
You took it , you broke it , you kept it . Could I have it back now ?

i’m the one who’s always forgotten, but who never forgets..

If you did not notice .. well. You mean everything.

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is to be in love and to be loved back

Always say what you need to say, because one day you might not have a chance to.

Never leave the one you love for the person you like, because the one you like will leave you for the person they love.

The second I met you I realized that I truly have no regrets. Every single choice I have made, every single step I have taken, and every single word i have spoken, good or bad has brought me to you and in the end thats all I ever wanted.

Make me believe that what we had wasn’t all a lie … even though I’ll probably never believe anyway.

Some people come into our lives and quietly stay. Others stay for a while, leaving footprints in our hearts and we are never the same.

I don’t know how to not love you, I only know how to not let you go.

Know me for what I do and for not what I am. Judge me for what I can do and not for what I have done.

Everything in this world can be seen as you wish to. Good or bad, simple or complicated, easy or difficult. Its not how things are, it is about how you look up to them. …and how you look up to them is all up to you.

Go on. Reach your dreams.

Journeys end. Friends depart. Every phase of life comes to an end. But every end is also a new beginning.

When one door of hapiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

This reality is really just a fucked-up dream.

No matter how much I want to hate you, I can’t. Because there’s just too much you’ve done for me.

Sometimes a girl needs someone to tell her how much she means to the world when she thinks she means nothing at all

Sometimes a girl needs someone to tell her how much she means to the world when she thinks she means nothing at all

Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.

I’m a fucked up little freaky girl in her little fucked up freaky world

It supposed to be you and me, not you and SHE

I’m not a complete idiot – some parts are missing.

Bring me back to where we met, let’s start all over.

“I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere!”

One kiss is all I want, To take away my tears, And give me a healthy smile.

If you have a dream go for it! Just belive and work hard, but remember that it takes time

Please, don’t flirt with me and make me feel special, unless you really mean it

A memory lasts forever, and it will never die. True friends stay together and never say good bye

Enjoying life is really hard, when you are surroundedby people who always hurt you.

When i’m with you,I smile and laugh I seem happy. But when I’m alone, I cry and feel pain in my heart. I am really sad because you’re not mine. You’re her’s

Love can make you totally happy, but it also can make you so sad you wanna die..

I love you so much, at times i can’t even look at you for fear that i might faint, die or… Wake Up

When everybody thinks I’m a disgusting freak. Then why should I think different ?

I wish i could smile to your face and say:”I’m Okey.” But I don’t want to lie to you.

It kills me to know that you’re online, but you wont talk to me then I realize. She’s online too

I don’t run from you, I walk away slowly. And it kills me because you don’t care enough to stop me

I bet you don’t remember half the things I’ll never forget

I’ve learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures never replace having been there, memories good or bad will bring tears, and words can never pelace those feelings

My head is saying: “Fool, forget him!” My heart is saying: “Don’t let go!”

True love is when you shed a tear and still want him. It’s when he ignores you and you still love him. It’s when he loves another but you still smile and say: “I’m happy for you.” When all you really do is cry and cry

I’m going to smile like nothing’s wrong, talk like everything’s perfect, act like it’s all a dream and pretend it’s not hurting me

It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life and suddenly you can’t remember how you lived life without them

A life without love is no life at all

You never know how much you love someone until they are gone

I love’d you… I care’d for your and now I hate you… I guess I was so easy replaced that you did not notice the tear that fell from my eyes

The love that I have for you will last for eternity, the love you gave will cherish forever, but the heart you broke will be shattered forever

Thinking of you is easy – I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you

You may not realize how much (damage) you can do to one person, until it’s too late

Everytime I close my eyes, I see your face. It always reminds me those memories we’ve shared

Try your best, because even if you fail you know you tried

Make only promises you can keep, and then do more than you have promised

Sorry does not make everything right. It is just an action to show that you realize your mistake.

In a room full of people, your always the first one I look for

How does it feel to know you’re everything I want?

I don’t want to be the only girl in your life. I just want to be the only one that matters

You’ll always be that part of my heart that no one will touch

I just wish i knew what to do, to make you love me like i love you

I love him. I really do. Only if he loved me back

In a perfect world there would be no mirrors, cause every girl would have the guy to tell her she looked beautiful

Honey, even if its fake… I love your smile

I do not care about the day, month or the year. What matters most is how we spent those moments together

If i had a tear for everytime i thought of you today, I would be drowning in a ocean

And I cry, tears of hate, tears of pain, tears of lost love, tears for something I know I will never get back
It’s amazing how one day someone walks into your life and suddenly you can’t remember how you lived life without them

A life without love is no life at all

You never know how much you love someone until they are gone

I love’d you… I care’d for your and now I hate you… I guess I was so easy replaced that you did not notice the tear that fell from my eyes

The love that I have for you will last for eternity, the love you gave will cherish forever, but the heart you broke will be shattered forever

Thinking of you is easy – I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away

Tired of trying, Sick of crying, yeah i’m smiling but inside i’m dying!
Someone asked if i knew you, it was sad cause all i could say was ” I used to”

Everybody has the right to be stupid but your breaking the rules!
Call me anytime, I won’t be home
I’m not smiling at you, I’m trying not to laugh!

I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard,I am a little bit insecure, a little unconfident
So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do.
She closed her eyes, and felt good, cause everything was just so fine.
Trying to be so perfect, cause I know you’re worth it.
I can’t help it – there’s nothing I want more, so don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ for
(a)Good girls are (6)Bad girls who neva get caught! ;)
Girls Are Like Fireworks, Their Kisses Light Up The Night, Their Hugs Make Everything Bright!
Girls Are So Complex, They Confuse Themselves!
Girls Cheat But We Never Get Caught!
Didn’t ask to be a princess, but hey if the crown fits! :P
Don’t be afraid to be yourself, the people who matter don’t care; the people that care don’t matter
I’d like a diamond, I’d like some gold, I’d like a pearl, Because I’m daddy’s little girl :)
ur looks, ur smile, ur kiss, ur style everythin bout u boy drives me wild
You know I love you, You know I care, Whenever you need me I will be there!
If Love Is A Crime I Would Be In Jail Forever
Ur only bad if u get caught… so that makes me a good girl.. right?!
Im sorry, do I look like I was listening?~
Smokin can really kill a person, y dont u try it?!
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!
SMART girls are more interested in having FUN than trying to look perfect~!
We are the people your parents warned you about!
Don’t Treat Me Any Differently Than You Would The Queen
Know everyone you love but dont love everyone you know
Don’t ask me complicated questions! I’m blonde!
I won’t mess with your head or play with your heart, Because I’m a real girl and i finish what i start.
Please don’t think i’m crazy, i don’t want you to understand. My mind is going hazy, to hell with your helping hand why don’t you just leave me alone this conflict is my own!
Girls dont like boys, girls like money and expensive cars!
God made sand, god made dirt, god made boys so girls can flirt
I love you is eight letters long but so is bullshit!
Looking 4 Mr. Right
Forget chocalate, Diamonds are my best friend!
Boys are great, every girl should own 1 (or two… three…)
Sweet yet loud, Im a cutie ‘n’ proud!
Bite me , see if i care.
I dont give a flying fuck what you think of me….Eat shit and die…..
You want, but i’m something what you will never be….
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.
I’m sorry that he called me. And that I answered the phone.
You’re just jealous because the voices are talking to me.
Would you please die, you’re ruing the atmosphere.
my Mr. Prince Charming? Sorry, you could never be ,!
Any moment, everything can change . . .

/Time has no meaning./
Sometimes you just have to run away to see, who is coming with you.

“ Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

** [A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. ]

kolmapäev, 14. august 2013

Üle pika aja uus ja kohe rohkelt palju !

523. It's not that i can't live without you. It's that i don't even want to try. I love loving you. :) 524. Ära sõida kiiremini kui lendab sinu kaitseingel ! 525. TRUST NO N!GGA, FEAR NO B!TCH. guys are a**holes. if you dress sexy, you’re a slut. if you argue with him, you’re hard-headed. if you’re quiet, you don’t care. if you call him, you’re too clingy. if he calls you, he says you should be happy. if you don’t love him, he’ll try to win you. when you do love him, he leaves. if you don’t f**k him, you’re a tease. if you do, you’re easy. you tell him your problems, he says you’re irritating. if you don’t, he says you don’t trust him. if you lecture him, you just wanna argue. if he lectures you, it’s cuz he “cares” if you break a promise, he doesn’t trust you anymore. if he breaks it, it’s cuz he had to. if you cheat, he expects it to be over. if he cheats, he wants another chance. 526. My friends. My body. My morals. My life. My choices; not yours. 527. Kallim kullast, ilusam mullast. 528. I'm 30% sugar, I'm 30% spice, but I'm 40% b*tch, so I suggest you to be nice ;) 529. Olen vaba kui tuul - kui oskad , püüa kinni ? 530. Seal kus meid pole , on alati parem. 531. If you can dream it, you can do it! 532. minimeeleheide 533. I never wanna say goodbye, I feel I need u more and more .. 534. He wanted to be alone, think,rest, be free and independent. Conciliation with it came by itself- who am I to not let him.. 535. Põgenen, põgenen. Sinu poole olen teel. 536. Qué debe yo hace que usted me amará / What should I do that you will love me. 537. Nunca quiero decir adiós, yo siento que le necesito cada vez más. Y cuando miro en sus ojos, usted es como el fuego en mi alma. / I never wanna say goodbye, I feel I need u more and more. And when I look into your eyes, you're like the fire in my soul. 538. A thousand lies have made me colder. 539. I want you NOW ! 540. She'll never know you, the way I do :) 541. Kas sa käitud sellepäras nii, et kutt läks sulle peale ? 542. HAHAHA ! 543. Naised lähevad ilma armastuseta paksuks. 544. Keegi pole mulle kunagi midagi nii ilusat öelnud ! 545. Cause I miss u, and I don't wanna miss a thing .. 546. Kõik mis sa teed, teed kõik endale 547. Wherever you are, you're always with me ! 548. Mittekunagi maal mittekellegi juures mittemidagi tegemas 549. See oli järjekordne mäng 550. Sa ainult mängid minuga 551. Sügavalt sissetambitud rada! 552. Harjuta pärdikut :D:D 553. Igaühel on varjatud pooli ;) 554. Kiss mii, beiibii 555. Rõõmupidur 556. Lil' Miss Cheerful ! 557. Don't ever let anyone tell you you ain't beautiful 558. Ainult Sina tead mu nõrka kohta .. 559. Ei ole lihtsad naised me 560. If u care, stop acting like u don't. 561. Three words and I'm yours 562. Still me, still now 563. Become my shadow, stay that way. 564. Kas ma tunnetan kadeduse nooti? :P 565. I'm mad, really bad. but don't tell my mom and dad. 566. well, this is what you get 567. Oman hetkel nii romantilist meeleolu, et sebin ennast vist ära! 568. Todos alcoholicos 569. Smiles, tears, superficial fears, All are part of the teenage years. First dates, first cars, Having crushes on football stars. First jobs, First kisses, One to many hits and misses. The best years of growing up, With great achievments and screwing up. Good girls, bad boys, Finally throwing out old toys. Sneaking out, getting caught, Remembering all the fights we've fought. Boyfriends, girlfriends, hoping they're love never ends. Heart-breaks, making out, Just to hear parents shout. High school college, then it ends, Its time to change once again. But we'll always remember all of the times, When we won we lost and when we cried. We'll always have memories of our fights and fears, And all the good times spent in the teenage years. 570. I'm just a girl whose hair is never right. Who more then once has fallen on her face. Who can't stop laughing at something that happened yesterday. Who cries because sometimes nothing is right. But sometimes, I'm just a girl, who can't stop smiling because for that moment- everything is perfect. 571. I am a LADY,I am CLASSY,I am BEAUTIFUL,I am RESPECTFUL,I am INTELLIGENT,I DESERVE,WANT,DEMAND,&& I WILL RECEIVE RESPECT...cause I GOT IT. 572. I am somebody. I am me. I like being me. And I need nobody to make me somebody. 573. Your voice always helps, when I feel so alone. 574. I haven't left hell, I have been there whole life long. 575. No matter what happens, I can't let u go. 576. Call me closer, really closer, don't be a false sign. You're so gorgeous, really gorgeous and I have no doubt.. 577. Kui me ise oma suunda ei muuda, oleme lõpuks seal, kuhu meid on suunatud. 578. You won't find nobody else like me 579. Rock Your Body ! 580. I neeed you ! 581. Neegrile musi teeb rassist 582. Maruhästi läheb 583. This is the life 584. Seitse surmapattu 585. Osta jooki, täkk 586. Mad world 587. Ma ütleks, et: SUPER ! 588. When the lights starts to burn and the pain returns, I just wish that I could heal the hurt you feel tonight.. 589. Ma pole pika vihaga- maksan kätte ja unustan! 590. Ma täitsa rahulik, aga sinuga teised lood vist 591. Ma pole nagu sina. 592. Kõik hästi? 593. How can I get you ? 594. Homme oleme nii, kui poleks meid olnudki 595. What's next ? 596. Make it happen ! 597. i'm ready for u . 598. I feel up to anything right now . 599. I don't wanna be everything to everyone, but I wanna be something to someone. 600. DONT TELL ME YOU CARE WHEN YOU DON'TDONT TELL ME YOULL BE THERE WHEN YOU WONTJUST TELL THE TRUTH SO I CAN BE FREEFREE FROM PAIN AND MISERY 601. tšš.. don't say a word! 602. You always know what and when 603. Baby, shut me down! 604. Excause me, did you say something? Mkm. you can´t tell me nothing. 605. Boom boom boom, I want you in my room ! .. 606. Parimad asjad elus on tasuta 607. Nõrk ei saa kunagi andestada. Andestamine on tugevate tunnus! 608. I believe in us & I really do 609. Mida rohkem me räägime oma tunnetest, seda väiksemad need tunduvad 610. Isegi surra poleks sõbra eest nii raske, kui leida sõpra, kelle eest surra. 611. Elu on seda väärt, et selle eest võidelda. Ja igast võitlusest võitjana välja tulla. 612. Ela või sure- ära vingu. Tõuse või lama- ära tuigu. 613. Ära tõuka seda, kes on langemas 614. Iga naise viga on mehe süü 615. Noorus- on elu täis armu ja valu. 616. Mine .. ütlesid kord ja ma läksin, vaid korraks vaatasin tagasi, et Su silmades näha kasvõi kübetki kurbust. Kuid Sa seisid ja vaatasid mulle ükskõikselt järele. "oli see teesklus" mõtlesin, Sinust aeglaselt eemaldudes ja mõeldes möödunule. Sa seisid endiselt paigal ja su põskedel olid pisarad. Jah, see oli teesklus!? 617. Karm on see armastus, aga teda ei tohi solvata. 618. Kallis on see, keda kardad kaotada 619. Elu on antud selleks, et õppida ja armastada. Kuid on vaja teada, mida õppida ja keda armastada 620. Sõprus on õrn, kuid ta ei vaja soojust vaid usaldust 621. Elu õpid tundma alles sihtjaamas, kuid kahjuks ei müüda seal tagasisõidupileteid 622. Ole see, keda oodatakse, kelle juures on alati soe. Kelle jaoks pole miski liiga raske, kelle käsi on alati toeks. 623. Ainus peegel mis ei peta on südametunnistus 624. Teadmatus on parem, kui teadmine- siis on vähemalt lootusi 625. Ei saa me läbi Lätita ja Venemaa meelest ei lä'e, just nagu käterätita keegi kunagi sauna ei lä'e 626. Miks usun Su sõnu, kõik valed on need, kuid siiski mind võlud ja õnnetuks teed 627. Miks usun Su sõnu, tõtt vähe on neis. Su silmade särast võib lugeda teist 628. Ema pahandab, kui lõhud vaasi. Miilits trahvib, kui katki teed klaasi. Sööklas trahv ootab Sind, kui tuleb tasuta taldriku hind. Kuid süda pole vaas, taldrik või aknaklaas. Miks loodus ei trahvi neid, kes lõhuvad südameid? 629. Pole midagi igavamat kui ootamine. Pole midagi valusamat kui pettumine 630. Tekk on paks, ei paista läbi, teki all ei ole häbi. 631. Eksida ei saa see, kes midagi praktiliselt ei tee. 632. Ei loe mitte see, mida sa ütled, vaid see, kuidas sinust aru saadakse 633. Vale käitumine on pigem tahte kui teadmiste puudus 634. Mida me saame kergelt, seda me hindame ka vähe 635. I'm not BITCH. I'm THE BITCH and I'm MISS BITCH to you ! 636. He tastes like u , only sweeter . 637. Pole olemas kättesaamatuid tüdrukuid, on vaid saamatud poisid, kes ei tea kuidas tüdrukut endale võita. 638. Enne, kui mind süüdistama hakkad, mõtle - kas sa kordagi näitasid minu vastu mida sa tunned? 639. Need inimesed, kes sind tõeliselt armastavad, ei pane sind nutma kurbusest vaid õnnest. 640. Head mõtted on pool tervist. 641. Ära usu kõike mida kuuled, ära räägi kõike mida tead. 642. Mida puhtam ja õilsam on sinu hing, seda südamlikumalt hakatakse sind armastama. Mida rohkem sa omad seesmist jõudu, seda enam oled sa ka suuteline ise armastama. 643. You know I love you, You know I care, Whenever you need me I will be there! 644. Kas päike tuli välja või sa lihtsalt naeratasid? :) 645. Saadan su ära, kuid ei taha et lähed 646. Ma pole sinu tüüp. Ma pole täispuhutav. 647. Tihti mõtleme sellele, mis meil puudub, harva aga sellele, mis meil olemas on. 648. Erilisi asju on maailmas vähe - sellepärast on Sindki ainult üks. 649. Selle päeva muudab imeliseks teadmine, et kunagi meenutatame seda kui "vanu häid aegu." 650. Ebaküps ütleb: "armastan sind, sest vajan sind." Küps ütleb: "Vajan sind, sest armastan sind." 651. Sa ei tea mis Sul on, seni kuni kaotad selle.. 652. Every moment spent with you is a moment of treasure.. 653. I'm flattered by your fascination 654. You're so gay and you don't even like boys . 655. Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey! 656. My way is better than your way, by the way... 657. Sa näed mind, Sa vaatad mind, Sa arvad, et tead ja tunned mind .. 658. Aeg on käes, kuid käed on ees 659. You never leave someone behind. You take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind. 660. It's gonna be a bright and sunshiny day . 661. Inimene peab oskama oma tundeid ohjata - mina seda ilmselgelt ei oska! 662. Hate those lame excuses. 663. Naerda ma võin Sinuga koos , 664. Ei. Sa ei saa minult mitte midagi. 665. Love me, Love me. Say that you love me. Fool me, Fool me. Oh how you do me. Kiss me, Kiss me. Say that you miss me. Tell me you love me 666. Drop it like it's hot 667. Antud lubadus on tasumata võlg 668. Ma vihkan seda, kui ma küsin midagi konkreetset ja mulle vastatakse "ma ei tea" ! 669. Waiting for the perfect moment 670. It depends on you 671. I'm addicted to you 672. If you want more love, why don't u say so ? 673. mango-meloni maitseline armastus.. 674. I want that night back! 675. I'm not yours. 676. Now you see it , now you don't. 677. Säm: Why be alone when we can be together baby 678. "Elu pole lill. Elu on elu. Elu on surm. Elu on üks suur, räpane saladus ning sinna pole midagi parata." 679. Elu on lill 680. Best I ever had 681. If u can make a girl laugh, u can make her do almost everything 682. No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough. 683. You just don't know how to have fun. 684. Hellushood 685. Kui julged, siis tegutse 686. I miss u so bad ;( 687. Ma olen keegi, ma olen mina ise. Mulle meeldib olla mina ise ja ma ei vaja kedagi, kes teeks minust kellegi teise. 688. Ma olen õnnelik , ma olen õnnetu - olen nagu olen , kuid siiski tean , et suudan alati edasi minna. 689. Straight through my heart 690. If tears makes you beautiful, I'd be GORGEOUS. 691. Siin ilmas pole midagi kindlat peale surma ja maksude. 692. Ükskõik ja kõik ühe eest 693. Tants, trall ja kukerpall 694. L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see, V is very very extraordinary, E is even more than anyone that you adore. 695. Sugar and Spice, and everything what's nice 696. mis sul viga on ? aga osta mu elevant ära 697. Kas te mäletate aega, mil inimesed ei kartnud olla üksi? 698. TantsuTiigrike :) 699. Look, but don't touch ! 700. Liidaks Sind & Mind ! . 701. Anna ajale aega, kõik saab korda, küll Sa näed 702. Say it like you mean it 703. Damn right I'm good in bed- I can sleep for hours! 704. none for you, dear prince 705. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 706. Usu mind, sa olid ainuke keda tahtsin hoida endale 707. Mida sina , kui kõrvalseisja, inimestest arvad? 708. Everyone's someone's dream . 709. ma tahan teada kus sa oled ja kellega sa oled ja miks sa oled ja kuidas sul läheb ja millest sa mõtled 710. A smiling face doesn't always mean a smiling heart 711. It's none of your business 712. I like the way ya dress, now take it off! 713. Teiselpool on parem 714. Vähemus karjub 715. Lihtne on öelda "mul on ükskõik", raske seda aga südamest mõelda. 716. If people want to hate you for no reason, let them. Because obvious they're either insecure, jealous or simply a b**ch. - Paris Hilton 717. Kiss me all over, don't ever let me go 718. Sa pole mina, sa ei saa kunagi selle lähedalegi 718. Päeval kui sa sündisid, sadas vihma. sadas, sest teavas nuttis, kuna oli kaotanud oma parima ingli! 719. sa oled nagu suvepäike, mida kõik ootavad; hea lugu, mida tantsupõrandal oodatakse; nagu hea kokteil, mis annab peole särtsaka alguse; nagu ilusad küüned, mis muudavad naise enesekindlamaks; nagu hea film, mis suudab paariks tunniks ümbritseva unustama panna; nagu jäätis, mis on külm aga magus; nagu kaunis kristall, kes ei jäta kedagi külmaks; nagu kaunis lill, mille saamine või kinkimine südame soojaks teeb. 720. Kellegi ees pole vaja oma elu õigustada 721. Ära usu kõike mida kuuled, ära räägi kõike mida tead. 722. Baby im better than your EX! `n im gonna be better than your NEXT! 723. Suvel armastus ja praktika, talvel koolitöö ja taktika. 724. I can see it in your eyes 725. Vaba naine vabal maal 726. A guy out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend, your soul mate, the one you can tell your dreams to. He'll smile at you, but he'll never laugh at your heart. He'll brush the hair out of your eyes. Send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movies, even though he paid $8 to see it. He'll call to say goodnight or just cause he is thinking of you. He'll look in your eyes and tell you, you're the most beautiful girl in the world, and for the first time in your life, you'll believe it. 727. Tahaks näha mis siis saab kui mind enam ei ole .. lihtsalt .. pole .. :) 728. It's my life I'mma do it and do and if you don't like it it's cool fuck you' 729. Where you are the one, the one that lies close to me. Whispers "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly." I fell in love, in love with you suddenly. Now there's no place else, I could be, but here in your arms. 730. Ma sosistaks Sulle tuhandeid sõnu, kuid neid sõnu ei ole veel loodud. Ma kirjeldaks tõeliselt tunnete võlu ja armastust, mis oled toonud. 731. Naljakas, kuidas sa ei suuda tõsidust säilitada situatsioonis, mil sa üritad pettumust väljendada. 732. Who are you to judge the life that I live, I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean. ;) 733. Does anybody know what we are looking for? 734. Täiuslikkus on igav ja ilus on ebahuvitav. Vead on need, mis teevad meist isiksuse! 735. But maybe when I make you jealous, you'll finally WAKE UP ! 736. Sina just, sina oledki see keda ma vajan nii heas kui halvas, Sa oled mulle kõik ! (K) 737. Teed näo, et ei tea, et oled kuradi hea! 738. Ilma Sinuta on maailm must 739. Roses are red, pickles are green. I like your legs and what's in between 740. Mulle meeldib õhtu, mulle meeldid Sa 741. Ma pole täiuslik, kuid osa minust on VÄGA hea ! 742. There is only one person in this world who carried you around four nine months, who cared for you more than herself, who dedicated her life to making your's better. That takes a lot of love and strength... Be thankful! I love you, mom. 743. Mitte ükski vihmapiisk ei pea end uputuse eest vastutavaks 744. Paljud kaotavad enese üle kontrolli, nähes, et teine selle säilitab 745. Naised muretsevad alati asjade pärast, mida mehed unustavad. Mehed aga asjade pärast, mida naised mäletavad. 746. Iseloom on mida sa teed, ja kuidas sa oled siis kui keegi sind ei näe 747. Me oleme kõik võhikud, ainult erinevates valdkondades 748.vkallllis ! (k) aitäh , et mul olemas oled ja mind ära kuuulad . Mind hämmastab , kuidas sa suudad näha silmale nähtamatut ja kuulda kõrvale kuuldamatut . Sa talud kõiki mu küsimusi . Mõistad mu minevikku , usud mu tulevikku ja võtad mind täna just sellisena nagu olen . Annad palju , kui sul on palju anda ja isegi siis , kui sul on vähe anda ! Sa ei ole kunagi liiga uhke , et paluda minu abi ja mul on selle üle nii hea meel ! Pean kalliks iga pisiasja, mida minu heaks ilma erilise põhjuseta teed ! Kaitsed mind oma palvetega , suurendad mind oma armastusega ja värskendad mind oma naeruga ! Just sina teedki igast päevast sõbrapäeva (: Võin alati loota, et kahekordistad mu rõõmu ja vähendad mu kurbust poole võrra ! Kui saaksin sirutada käe ja võtta taevast tähe iga kord , kui sa mind naerma ajad , oleks kogu öine tähistaevas minu peos . Võttis väga vähe aega , et sind tundma õppida , kuid sind unustada võtaks aega terve elu ! Sina oled päiksekiir minu hallis päevas ! MA ARMASTAN SIND , MU KIIIIISU ! (K) 749.You think you're not pretty, there is always someone uglier. You want more money, people are in poverty. You want a boyfriend, someone doesn't even have parents. You're hungry, a child is starving. You want new clothes, someone is looking for anything that they can wear just to stay warm. Your chilly, others are frozen. You just want to die, some people are trying their hardest just to live. So don't waste your time on things that you think you want, because there is always someone out there who needs it much more than you can imagine. - 750. Tabav ütlus ei tõesta midagi 751. Reklaam on rikaste kerjamisviis 752. A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words ... 753. Under pressure 754."Õppida nii palju kui hädavajalik ja nii vähe kui võimalik" - Enn Ööpik 755. Loll on see, kes vabandust ei leia :) 756. Here we are again, circles never end 757. I won't mess with your head or play with your heart, Because I'm a real girl and i finish what i start. 758. Tahaks olla su jaoks kõigist parem 759. I wanna know, but I don't wanna ask, cause one you say it, you can't take it back. 760. Oled kastepärleist kirjutatud kauneim luule, mu südamesse kirjutatud kõige kaunim tunne. 761. I'm perfect, but just not for you 762. ja nüüd.. kujuta seda endale ette :D 763. Tahaks olla su jaoks kõigist parem 764. Tule võta mu aega, sest aega mul on 765. Armastus on see, kui ma naeratan Sulle kogu oma kehaga! :) 766. You can do anything, but not everything 767. It is nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice. 768. I’m not the skinniest woman in the world. I’m not the hottest, or the prettiest. I’m definitely not the tallest and I'm not the shortest either, and I do not have the best body. I’m not the smartest, or brightest, and I don’t always say the right thing. But what I am is sweet, nice and funny. I know how to make someone feel good about themself by just being me. When you meet me you will say: This chick is one of a kind & Shes unforgettable 769. Praadimiskindel margariin 770. "o nunnu." "o rly?" 771. Olen nii paks, et mind hoida on võimatu 772. Mida väiksem, seda rohkem .. 773. I bet you think that I'd fly away from you. But I wouldn't do that. 774. Tänane ilmateade: oled ilma!! 775. Superbb :) ' 776. It's just because I'm frisky.. 777. When everything is wrong I come talk to you. You make things alright when I'm feelin' bad. You are such a good friend. And I won't be messing with the one thing that brings light to all my darkness. You're my best friend, and I love you, more and more , yes I really do. there is no other one that can take your place. I feel happy inside when I see your face. I hope you believe me , because I speak seriously and I mean it when I tell you that I need you. Here, right beside you , I will never, NEVER , leave you . and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying. YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND MY (nimi) ! (südameke). 778. Luuran näpuga gloobusel, et leida sinu kodu. Otsin sarnasusi, mida äratundmistarbeks kogun. 779. Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her".... 780. Ma ei anna alla, ma ei murdu ! 781. Kui julged, siis tegutse! 782. Ma nühiks sinuga oma vanaema keldrit! :) 783. Ai, kurat, sa oled surnud konn! 784. See on see, mis peabki olema. 785. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself 786. Tehke seda, mida te oma südames õigeks peate 787. Maailm on ilusaid tüdrukuid täis ja sulle meeldivad nad kõik .. :/ 788. suht mõttetu 789. Deem, kui raske on tüdruk olla 790. Puudub sisu 791. Lihtsam, kui välja paistan. Keerulisem, kui te arvatagi oskate ;) 792. Suunatuli on nagu kondoom- kui käib pauk, siis kahetsed, et seda ei kasutanud. 793. Minevikku ei saa kinni jääda !! 794. Söön kommi, kohukest ja moosi, natuke mett ja siirupit kaa, kunagi ei saa shokolaadist ma üledoosi, ilma selleta on ju raske ELADAAA ;) 795. Õnneks pole palju vaja, õnneks oled minul sina :) 796. Ahvatlus helistab pikalt kella, võimalus koputab vaid korra .. 797. on siiiiiber 798. Sest kõike mis tunnevad hing ja mu meeled, ei oskagi öelda nii valjult.. 799. Kunagi ei ole liiga hilja oma eelarvamustest loobumiseks. - Henry David Thoreau 800. Why are all rich men such jerks? The same reason why all beautiful women are bitches- Desperate housewives 801. Mehe väärtust hinnatakse alati naisega. - Wilde 802. Tänapäeval teavad inimesed kõige hinda, kuid ei tea millegi väärtust. - Wilde 803. Peaasi, ära lange inimese tasemele. - Victor Hugo 804. Nendes inimestes, keda me oleme lakanud armastamast, on alati midagi haletsusväärset. - Wilde 805. Kõige suuremad kaugused pole kunagi geograafilist laadi. - John Fowles 806. Naeratuses on alati midagi leplikku, naer aga väljendab tihti eitamist. - Hugo 807. Anna mehele vabad käed ja sa tunned neid kohe kogu oma kehal. 808. Kustutame vead, et veelkord öelda - meie võit! 809. Tühja pilku naljalt ei täida 810. Sa oled kui karge ja ilus talveilm - külm minu vastu 811. You can turn of the sun, but I'm still gonna shine 812. Kui enam ei tule, siis tule ära 813. Olen väike tige koma, kõik mis näen on minu oma. Küüned sisse, Hambad taha, kohe võtan rajalt maha! 814. Istub paduvihma käes oma suhkrust troonil 815. Promise me, I'll still have you tomorrow 816. Ei, ma ei ole mingi wannabe sina, sest et sa ei ole mina, ja ma ei taha olla sina, sest et sa ei ole nagu mina. 817. Just let me know how does it feel 818. Don't let go, never give up. It's such a wonderful life. 819. I know you can't get enough of my sound. 820. Don't you be afraid, I know you're strong enough to make it. 821. Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. 822. If she is amazing, she won't be easy. If she is easy, she won't be amazing. If she is worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worth it. 823. Öeldakse, et keegi pole täiuslik, kuid miks siis täiuslikkust koguaeg taga aetakse? 824. Sõprussidemed võib lahti harutada, kuid armastuse köidikud peab puruks käristama. - A.J. Richelieu 825. Laena kõike oma sõbrale peale hobuse, püssi ja naise. - Hiina vanasõna 826. Seda, kes on su sõber, ei saa sa teada enne, kui vajud läbi jää.- Eskimo vanasõna 827. Põhimõteteta inimene on enamasti ka iseloomutu. Oleks ta iseloomuga, tunneks ta vajadust luua enesele põhimõtted. - S. R. N. Chamfort 828. Kui Jumal kaitseb mind sõprade eest, siis vaenlastega saan ise hakkama. - Napoleon Bonaparte 829. Pole ainustki inimest, kelles poleks midagi põlgusväärset, kedagi, kelles poleks midagi kuradist. Kuid siiski on vähe neid, kes meile räägivad, kuidas nad toda kuradit taltsutavad. - Voltaire 830. Kui neiu abiellub, vahetab ta paljude meeste tähelepanu ühe mehe ükskõiksuse vastu - H. A. Rowland 831. Mees võib iga naisega õnnelik olla niikaua, kuni ta teda ei ar­masta - O. Wilde 832. Suurim õnn on veendumus, et meid armastatakse meie enda pärast, või õigemini, sellest hoolimata- V. Hugo 833. Pole olemas maski, millega oleks võimalik mängida armastust seal, kus teda pole, ja varjata seal, kus teda on 834. Tahad naisega hästi elada, anna talle alati andeks juba enne seda, kui sa jõuad vihastada 835. Parim, mida isa saab teha oma laste heaks, on armastada nende ema 836. Et leida õige elukaaslane, tuleb kas kaua valida või korduvalt abielluda 837. Mehe tarkus ja naise kannatlikkus toovad rahu majja- W. Shakespeare 838. Mehed mängivad mängu, naised teavad skoori 839. Armastus on nagu kuu: kui ta ei kasva, siis ta kaheneb - Portugali vanasõna 840. Armastuse vastu on mitu rohtu, kuid mitte ühtegi kindlat- F. de la Rochefoucauld 841. Naise "Ja" ning "Ei" vahele ei mahu isegi mitte nööpnõela teravik- M. de Cervantes 842. Enamasti on inetud naised need, kes uue moe välja mõtle­vad. Ja ilusad on küllalt rumalad, et nendega kaasa minna - J.J. Rousseau 843. Keha on vähim, mida naine võib mehele anda - R. Rolland 844. Kena naine meeldib silmadele, hea naine südamele. Üks saab ilusaks asjaks, teine rikkuse allikaks- Napoleon Bonaparte 845. Naiste kohutavaim omadus on mäletada. Mehed ainult mee­nutavad, aga see kujutab endast hoopis midagi muud - O. Wilde 846. Laps, keda on haritud ainult koolis, on harimatu laps- G. Santayana 847. Kõige suurem patt on see, kui mõni arvab, et ta on patuta - T. Carlyle 848.Veendumus on tõele ohtlikum kui vale - F. Nietzsche 849. Maailm ei muutu, muutume meie- H. D. Thoreau 850. Iga antud lubadus on võlg- Itaalia vanasõna 851. Mõnikord el tule inimesed selle pealegi, et nad elavad õnnelikult - L. de Vauvenargues 852. Esimesena ei tervita mitte kultuursem, vaid see, kellel on nõrgemad närvid 853. Kes ei ole kunagi lootnud, ei tunne kunagi meeleheidet - G. B. Shaw 854. Kellel on nõrk iseloom, see ei ole inimene, vaid asi - S. R. N. Chamfort 855. Mida sa hoiad enda tarvis, selle kaotad, mille aga ära annad, selle hoiad endale - A. Munthe 856. Ära ole liiga magus, sest siis söövad teised sind ära! Ära ole kaliiga kibe, siis nad sülitavad su peale! - Afganistani vanasõna 857. Raske on kõndida püstipäi, ajamata nina püsti - S.J. Lee 858. Kiireim viis sõda lõpetada on see kaotada - G. Orwell 859. Et asjade üle vaielda,pole vaja neist aru saada - Beaumarcais 860. Me mõtleme vastavalt loomusele, räägime reeglite ja tegut­seme tavade järgi - F. Bacon 861. Vahel tuleb inimesi naerutada, et nad oma poomiskavatsuse ära unustaksid- G. B. Shau 862. Inimesed, kes ei oska olla vaimukad, püüavad olla siirad ja armastavad - G. Eliot 863. Inimene on ainus loom, kes naerab ja nutab, sest ta on või­meline tundma, kuidas asjad on ja kuidas nad peaksid ole­ma - W. Hazlitt 864. Surm on lustidest suurim - seepärast hoitakse seda kõige lõpuks 865. Palju parem on unustada ja naeratada kui mäletada ja olla kurb - C. Rossetti 866. Inimene, kes sind vihastab, võidab su - T. Morrison 867. Me ei saa anda kunagi midagi muud kui oma parimat- Inglise vanasõna 868. Dear tummy, sorry for all the butterflies 869. Rumal neiu 870. You are so yesterday.. 871. Just a dream 872. Baby don't worry, you are my only 873. Tere, palun mulle natuke sooja. Sisse pole vaja pakkida, hakkan kohe kasutama :) 874. Imeline tunne on see, kui kõik on korras 875. see on see mis paneb elama 876. Süda põleb sees ja see haiget teeb, tahaks igaveseks magama jääda .. 877. Doesn't matter what u think 878. According to him I'm beautiful, incredible. He can't get me out of his head.. 879. According to him I'm funny, irresistible. Everything he ever wanted. 880. Oleks võind seda teha ka keerutamata 881. Ma pole kunagi selline nagu sa sooviksid! 882. Who wants the perfect guy? Not me. I don’t want anyone perfect. I don’t want anyone normal, thats just boring. I want someone weird. I want someone unpredictable. I want someone who lets things slide and who loves to laugh and makes me laugh. I want someone who will be crazy about me, and isn’t afraid to let everyone know it. I want him to be able to tell me to shut the hell up when I am bugging him. I want someone who challenges me, in every way. I want someone who puts up with my shit, but isnt a pushover. I want someone who pisses me off, but I can never be mad at. But perfect? That’s one thing I never want. Maybe just perfect for me. 883. Tegelikult ma pole selline 884. People born in 1993-1999 have lived in two decades, two centuries, and two millenniums, and we're not even 18 yet. 885. I promise I will never forget the day we kissed or the day we met 886. Who's usin' who? 887. I've always had confidence, but I never let my ego get to the point that I think I'm the superstar, because I know it has destroyed many. 888. The night is young and so are we.. 889. Piisavalt iseseisev, et lubada endal olla mina ise. Piisavalt vaba, et olla kellegagi seotud ja piisavalt julge, et tunnistada oma vigu. 890. Oma tahtmised viin võimalikult kaugele, oma sõbrad hoian võimalikult lähedal. 891. Naer teeb nooreks, armastus ilusaks 892. Naerata, isegi siis kui sulle tundub, et miski ei lähe hästi, naerata sest naeratades on kergem 893. Es ist schwer glücklich zu sein 894. Kui naine oleks klaasist, ei paistaks ta ikkagi läbi ! 895. Ma avastasin ainsa võimaluse, kuidas kõhna muljet jätta - veedan aega paksude seltskonnas. 896. We don’t know the value of our moments until they have become a memory. 897. It’s not that I hate you, it’s like..uh, let’s just put it this way; if you were on fire and I had water, I’d drink the water 898. ülelend poisu 899. You know ur at the top when only heaven's right above it 900. Birdy, birdy in the sky, left a poopie in my eye. Me don't care, me don't cry, me just happy cows can't fly :) 901. Vabandust, aga ma pole enam see, kes olin varem ! 902. Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me 903. NBA ehk natural born ... :) 904. Teeks mida iganes, et saaks enda kõrvale need 2 inimest 905. Suudaks ma vaid olla sind väärt.. 906. Õnn peitub kõige väiksemates asjades, millest oskad lugu pidada 907. I got what you need boy 908. Don't give up on your faith. Love comes to those who believe it. And that's the way it is. 909. Take my hand, take my whole life too. But I cant help falling in love with you.. Red heart 910. Close the door, what you're waiting for. I can't believe, you're here wit me.. 911. Palun mõistmist, natuke vaid mõistmist, et koguda end .. 912. Teeks mida iganes, et saaks jäädavalt enda kõrvale need 2 inimest ning jäädavalt lahti noist kahest .. 913. I need you like a heart needs a beat, but that's nothing new 914. We can party all night, til the sun lights up the sky 915. Sinuga ja sinuta 916. Lumi kogub aia äärde, valu minu südame - Juhan Liiv 917. Pole sõnu 918. There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind 919. Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect 920. so you gotta wipe your eyes, 'cause there's no use crying, I know you're sick of trying, but you know your day is gonna come 921. It seems like I'm always looking up & waiting for something to happen 922. Don't look at what he is not, look at what he is 923. Sometimes I feel like I'm made of old broken dreams that someone strung together 924. EUR - Eesti uus rubla 925. The same place twice 926. I'm hard to catch, difficult to hold, impossible to forget 927. The light at the end of tunnel is temporarily switched off for the technical reasons. 928. Tea, et iial muud ei soovi ma, mu kingitus oled sa ... :) 929. Kui Sa oled mind kunagi naermas näinud, siis vajuta "meeldib/like". 25 või rohkem meeldib/like tähendab, et mul on naermisega probleeme. IRW 930. Võib tunduda , et olen su unustanud , kuid mõtlen sinust tihti 931. You can love me or hate me, I swear it won't make me or break me! 932. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. 933. Partymode: ON 934. Ära küsi, kui vastusest ei sõltu mitte midagi 935. Mõnikord, kui minuga nõustutakse, on mul tunne, et ma eksin. 936. If love is blind, why do I see you so clearly now? 937. Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself. 938. No matter what happens now, you shouldn't be afraid, because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen. 939. ütleb rohkem kui tuhat sõna 940. Elu on lühike, eira reegleid, andesta kiiresti, suudle aeglaselt ,armasta tõeliselt, naera kontrollimatult ja ära kahetse ühtegi asja , mis pani Sind naeratama 941. how gorgeous 942. Smile, it looks good on you . :) 943. Sweet sixteen 944. Never regret something that once made you smile. 945. we have all got both light and dark inside of us. 946. Trust no men. Fear no bi*ch. 947. Ära arva, et see nii lihtne on! 948. Pretty girl rock! 949. Mulle meeldib see, et päiksekiir nii rõõmsalt, sädeleb veel su silmades:) 950. soooo good ! 951. vaatan sind & salamisi mõtlen, et oleks tore see, kui sa igavesti naerataks 952. Arvasin alati, et mu elu saab olema hull 953. Olen täpselt ju see kelleks muutsid sa mind.. 954. Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else - G. Bernard Shaw 955. On the left side of my brain, there's nothing right and on the right side of my brain, there's nohting left. 956. Kui naine on ilus ja sa paned talle ilusa kleidi selga, rohkendad sa ilu iluga. Aga kui ilu tuleb ainult väljastpoolt, tekib kummaline mulje. Ja tavaliselt just nõnda ongi. 957. Et sa rasva ei läheks, et su uni ei lõpeks, et sind töö ei tapaks, et sind armsam ei jätaks, et sind kurat ei võtaks, sul sõpru hulgem oleks, et sul rahast puudust ei tuleks, et sul palju õnne oleks! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! 958. You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret. 959. Women never know what they want, but they know very well how to get it 960. Google before you tweet is the new think before you speak 961. Suvi, tagaotsitav oled 962. Alaealine tüdruk sa mulle meeldid 963. Eksimine on inimlik, aga andestamine jumalik 964. vamos a la playa ! 965. baby, baby, baby, noo 966. Keep tellin myself that it's not worth it 967. super tuju on tõusnud juba kõrgele õhku 968. Suvi- soe ja lõputu suvi. Kuum ja karastav suvi. Kohe varsti võiks alata ta, oleks õnnelik ma. 969. She wont mind, she's nice- she's as cold as ice 970. Püha viha 971. The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, it is when you don't understand yourself! 972. Snow, snow, go away, come again on christmas day(or never) - all of us are waiting for the sun !! 973. If you got something to say just say it, if you want something come get it. Be a man! 974. Dear fake friends... First of all, you should know that I'm typing this with my middle fingers. 975. Naeratusest sünnib naer ja alles naerust sünnib muie. 976. Süda ei ole nii tugev, kui naeratus näol. 977. don't you ever feel like you're less than perfect 978. olen kõik, mis vaja olla on 979. Ära vali endale võimatut 980. ..sest miski ei ole iseenesest hea ega halb, üksnes mõtlemine teeb ta selleks - W. Shakespeare 981. Never give up on somehting you can't go a day without thinkin about 982. In your shadows, I can shine 983. Kill 'em with my awesome 984. Who's gonna save the world tonight 985. I will never give up on such a wonderful life 986. If people are trying to bring u down, it only means that u are above them. 987. my point of view. 988. Mind kas armastatakse või vihatakse, kuid ükskõikseks ei jäta ma kedagi 989. Ühel päeval leidsin ma armastuse masina 990. Hakkasin siis uurima, see on kuulipilduja :D 991. Meil kolhoosis peetakse si*aveo talgud :D 992. egavistvahetpolegi ,tiksun oma elu edasi 993. When everything is going alright, no worries- it's gonna be ruined any moment now.. 994. miks tuju rikud sa? 995. tüdinud sellest saastast 996. Learn from the past. Look to the future. Live in the present. 997. Uskumatult mahlakas tükk 998. Ma pole ego- olen selleks liiga lahe 999. Ise ei taha, teistele ka ei anna! 1000. See oli pigem alateadlik sumin kui kõrgsageduslik pinin 1001. Ta istus mu kukile nagu neljasajanaelane gorilla 1002. Never give up, never back down! 1003. Who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're the only one that's hurting? Trust me, that's the price of beauty- who says you're not beautiful? Who says? 1004. Saan, mis tahan ja kui ei saa, ei tahtnud piisavalt 1005. Suvi on veel ees 1006. Uimastav ja ebareaalne 1007. sun is up (#)

neljapäev, 10. veebruar 2011

... (:

# Should I smile because you are my friend or cry because that's all we'll ever be.
# I'm so sick of being lonely. I want to know how it's to be loved.
# Tahaks ära minna, kuskile kaugele, kus mind keegi ei tea , ja vabastada end mõttest, et siin, praegu, ei hooli minust keegi.
# One day you'll look back and say damn, that girl did really loved me.
# Love doesn't love me.
# I wanna be like barbie, that bitch who has everything.
# Langeb üks täht.Ma pigistan silmad kinni ja soovin. Soovin,et kõik oleks nii nagu oli varem.
# Elu ongi see, mille häid hetki me hinnata ei oska, või kui hindame , teeme seda liiga hilja , terve elu me nutame taga inimesi , asju , hetki , mälestusi , mida me võibolla enam kunagi tagasi ei saa, kuid see ongi elu võlu , võlu seda kõike tagasi võita , korrata , või unustada , kõik mis me oma elu jooksul saavutame on siiski alati kellegi kaasabil , üksik inimene ei saa olema kunagi õnnelik ega saavuta ka elus seetõttu seda mille poole ihaldab ta kõige rohkem , tuleb hinnata seda mis on olnud ja eraldada kaunimad ja teinekord ka parimad mälestused nendest , mida sa tagasi püüdled , peab teadma , et kõik elus pole võimalik , ning ka parimad ajad mööduvad ja jäävad igaveseks meile , neile kes mäletavad ja suudavad armastada, on aegu mis ei kordu ja tegelikult ongi hea , sest muidu ei hindaks me neid niivõrd ja ei hindaks ka neid aegu mis meil alles ees on , sest kui need kätte jõuavad me teame , et neist tuleb kinni hoida, tuleb hinnata seda mis meil on ja püüelda parema tuleviku poole.
# When people look into your eyes, they see mysteries galore. You're a deep and intellectual person, and others can see that through your sparkling eyes. You're quiet and shy, but once you get to know someone, you become comfortable around them. Your eyes often spark curiousity in others, and it bothers people how they can never tell what you're really thinking. You're hard to read and often hide your true emotions.
# Yes, we are having a cocktail party, and yes you are not invited.
# Ilus on see kes end ilusana tunneb.
# “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams”
# Õnnelik pole mitte see, kes kunagi ei kuku, vaid see kes pärast kukkumist jälle tõusta suudab.
# Hope is a walking dream.
# Per aspera ad astra
# She will chase you around for a while ; but there's going to be a day when she's gonna stop running incircles around you . She's going to get over you & at that very moment you're going to wish you had let her catch you !
# It hurts, when you are so near me, but I cant get you.
# When I'm with you I don't really care, what they all want me to be. I just want you beside me.
# Kunagi saan ka mina õnnelikuks lausus väike tüdruk pisarsilmi endale astudes otse kihutava auto ette....
# I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
# Never say I love you if you really don't care.
# Do you know how hard it is to say oh, were just friends when i want to scream i love you?
# You may think he's cute, he's fine. But guess what, bitch, HE'S MINE
# What's Mickey without Minni, what's Pooh without Piglet, what's Me without You?
# Don't sparkle in front of me, if you're meant to shine in someone else sky.
# Elu on joonistamine ilma kustukummita.
# Sometimes I wanna go to sleep and never wake up.
# Miski ei ole igavene.
# Boys hate 2 words: "don't" and "stop", but they love them, when they are together, like " don't stop ".
# Shit happens, but mostly to me, so don't worry.
# Last night I was looking up at the stars wondering... Where the fuck is my ceiling?
# Mommy says i'm special , no matter what the other kids say .
# When someone hurts your feelings, cry a river, build a bridge and GET OVER IT!
# Maybe i don't have the blonde hair you like, Or maybe i don't have eyes like the sky, and i'm not sure if i'm the girl in your dreams, but atleast i'm not pretending to be somebody else!
# Mõelge sellele, et tänast päeva ei tule enam kunagi.
# Sometimes i wanna run away to see, if anyone cares enough to follow.
# One day the sun said to me, if your love is so far every day and there is so many problems, what makes you cry, then why don’t you leave your lover? I looked back at the sun and asked, would you ever leave your sky?
# The worst way to miss someone is when they are standing right next to you, and you know you cannot have them.
# Mis siis, kui sa leiad oma võluva printsi, aga sa ei ole tema tuhkatriinu?
# On see kitsehabe või on lind su lõua täis sittunud?
# Kord kohtusid armastus ja sõprus. Armastus küsis sõpruselt: " Kui mina olen maailmas olemas, siis miks üldse sind vaja on?"
Sõprus vastas: "Et jätta naeratus sinna, kuhu sina jätad pisarad"
# You can live in your dreams, but one day you need wake up and step in to real world!!
# You are not the only one who has a gun here, bitch!
# Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid that i may take it over
# Mu süda on offline, mu mõistus on away, hetkel olen out to lunch ja sinujaoks olen alati busy
# Egoism ei ole see, kui sa elad nagu sa ise tahad, vaid see, kui sa soovid, et teised elaksid nii nagu sina tahad
# Kui öösel tuleb sinu juurde paks, punases hommikumantlis ja suure habemega mees ning hakkab sind kotti toppima, siis ära karda. Sellel aastal soovisin ma jõuludeks sind
# Keegi tark ütles kunagi, et juua tuleb mõistuse piires. Einstein ütles kunagi, et mõistus on piiritu .
# Having a guy dump you and say “We can still be friends,'' is like having your mom say:”Your dog died but you can still keep it."
# Be happy for this moment - this moment is your life.
# Life is like a farm - one wrong step or move and you're in deep shit .
# Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.
# Ma olen keegi, kellesugust sa iial ei leia/keegi, kelleks Sa iialgi ei saa.
# Fuck The Rest, Im The Best
# It's sad when the people you know, became people you knew. When you can walk right past someone, like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours, and now you can barely even look at them.
# Ma vihkan kui keegi sind vaatab, seda kuidas ta sind vaatab. Ma vihkan su häält, mis ei lähe mul meelest. Ma vihkan et ma ei suuda pilku sult ära pöörata. Ma vihkan et näen sind oma unenägudes. Ma vihkan su armsaid näoilmeid. Ma vihkan neid hetki kui ma olen sinuga koos ja veel rohkem neid kui sa oled must kaugel. Ma vihkan kui ma ei tea kus sa oled ja kui ma ei tea kellega sa koos oled. Ma vihkan mälestusi sinust, nii häid kui halbu. Ma vihkan kõike su juures. Ma vihkan seda, et ma sind vihkan. Aga ülekõige ma vihkan seda, et ma ei suuda sind kunagi vihata, sest MA ARMASTAN SIND !
# Ärge öelge mulle, mida ma tegema pean, ja ma ei ütle teile, kuhu te minema peate !
# Some girls are made of sugar and spice , my girls are made of vodka and ice .
# Kui ma vanaks saan ei ütle ma mitte kunagi: "Ma ei teinud seda", "Ma kahetsen toda." Mina üten:" Ma ei kahtse kuraditki. Ma tulin, ma läksin ja ma tegin kõike."
# When i'm with you, i just close my eyes and feel good, because everything is just so fine.
# Kui mul oleks viimane tund elada, siis ma ütleks sulle, kui väga ma sind armastan.
# Me olime parimad sõbrannad kuni selle ajani, kui sa läksid poisiga, keda ma armastasin.
# blondes are pretty, redheads are smart, but it takes a brunette to have a guys heart.
# Sa oled nagu päike suvises päevas, nagu maasikas vaniljejäätisel, Sa oled üks ja ainus, lihtsalt parim.
# The nice guys are UGLY, the hot guys are MEAN, the nice and hot guys are GAY.
# Tired of trying, SICK of crying, yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm dying.
# mulle meeldib kui minust räägitakse, olemata kas head või halba, sest sellest järeldub vaid see, et olen teie maailm.
# You only get one shot, so make it count you might never get this moment again the clock is ticking down, it’s the final round so tell me what it is that’s stopping you now you’ll never know, unless you try you’ll only regret, sit and wonder at night you only get one shot so watch this moment go by when loves on the line
# Why do we ignore those who like us, and like those who ignore us?
# I have to admit, every time i see you, or your name, my heart skips a beat
# I'm the girl, you'r the boy - you text me first or we don't talk.
# God made heaven and earth, the rest was MADE IN CHINA.
# We used to talk everyday now im lucky to get a "hi" once a month.
# Little do you know, I am DYING to talk to you. All the time.
# When you can live forever, what do you live for ?
# Boys are like trees, they take 50 years to grow up.
# When I saw you I liked you, when I liked you I loved you, when I loved you I lost you
# Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget the one's who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a change, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised it'd be worth it.
# I do it because i can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn’t.
# I know that you do not like me, but that is what makes thing so tempting.
# Someday you will cry for me, like I cried for you. Someday you will miss me, like I missed you. Someday you will need me, like I needed you. Someday you will love me, but I won't love you.
# When you love someone, you pick up the little things and magically turn them into something special.
# Someone say it is sin to love, I never did ask why, but, if I sin loving you, I'll sin until I die.
# When i see you, i cant think about no one else but you.
# When life puts you in tough situations, don't say: "Why me?" just say: "Try me!"
# Giving up doesen't always mean you're weak ; sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go.
# Some day you will be back on my doorcase, but then you will be the one, who is sorry and I will just laugh into your face, cause I don´t need you anymore.
# It's funny how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces.
# We were given … two hand to hold, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to listen.But why only one heart ? Because the other one was given to someone for us to find.
# God is a DJ Life is a dance floor Love is the rhythm and You are My music
# Why am I afraid to lose you, when you're not even mine?
# I never realized how badly I needed you until you said "You aren't my friend"
# She looks in the mirror with tears running down her face, knowing that in his heart she'll never have that „special place. “
# Aw, the sky is crying.
# "I love you", 3 simple words, but they're so hard to say.
# It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life and suddenly you can't remember how you lived life without them.
# Quick... put your left hand on your right shoulder, put your right hand on your left shoulder, now squeeze! That was a quick hug from me!
# The girl walked up to me and said: “You’re a bitch.” I answered: “Honey, I’ve been called worse.”
# Yes, I’m a Disney princess, thanks for asking.
# If your heart really was broken, you’d be dead. So shut up.
# You can call me a slut. Too bad it isn’t true. Sorry bitch but I’m not you.
# I’m not A bitch, I’m THE bitch and I’m MISS BITCH to you.
# Nothing lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances and never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted.
# As you grow up you learn the difference between falling in love and holding a hand, kisses don’t always mean something, promises can be broken as quickly as they were made and sometimes goodbyes really are forever.
# I’m jealous of every girl that has ever hugged you, because for one moment, they had my whole world in their arms.
# "She closed her eyes, and felt good, cause everything was just so fine."
# I just wish i knew what to do, to make you love me like i love you.
# Hug them, kiss them and tell them that you love them. Don't miss the chances that life is giving you to spend with people you love. There are no rewinds.
# You break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because i deserve better .
# how does it feel, to know that you're everything i need ?
# ..and when i see him smile, i just melt inside.
# You're the Dream and I'm the Dreamer.
# Don’t piss me off, I know where you live .
# I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse.
# The hardest part about walking away from you is knowing you won’t run after me

# I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.

Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes everything you are not.

I thought that I could love no other --
that is until I met your brother.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.

I want to feel your sweet embrace;
But don't take that paper bag off your face.

I love your smile, your face, and your eyes
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?

My feelings for you no words can tell,
Except for maybe “'Go to hell.”'

What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts tequila, one part lime

# I dont have a drinking problem , i drink , i get drunk , i pass out , NO PROBLEM
# Blondes are princesses , but brunettes are queens.
# you take my breath away with everything you say.
# I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost three days already!
# The best and the most beautiful things can not be seen of even touched. They must be felt by heart.
# Come down,get a little real .You ain't no superhero,just a faker with an attitude.
# Let me see, as the blind man said.
# Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me.
# “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching”
# Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.
# I think I'm starting to lose my sense of humor, everything is so tense and gloomy.
# don't let em say you ain't beautiful, they can all get fucked, just stay true to you.